As spring says its final farewell, equestrians everywhere are turning their focus to the upcoming summer show season. Some people compete to achieve their personal best, while others enjoy the friends and community of it. Either way, horse shows require some preparation.
Here are a few ways to prepare for a successful horse show season this year!
Build Your Physical Strength
To be successful in the show ring, being physically fit to ride at your show level is important. However, be careful not to cross the border between pushing yourself and compromising your safety. Working without stirrups is a great exercise for the rider, and riding through grids or gymnastics can benefit the horse and rider. Using a Pessoa or lunging system correctly can also help horses build muscle.
Set Goals for the Season
Work with your trainer to develop realistic goals for you and your horse to work towards this summer. These can be as simple as cantering a full course, competing in your first derby, or being called back to test for a medal in the BIGEQ.
Prepare Your Horses Look
It would help if you tidied up your horse one to two weeks before your show. That can include trimming whiskers, pulling their mane, and possibly body clipping.
The day before the horse show is when you’ll want to give your horse a good bath. Use quality shampoo, conditioner, and detangler. White horses will need some good shampoo to lift any stains. That applies to those with white markings too. Trim up any loose hairs and add your final touches.
Have the Proper Equipment and Clothing
Make sure you have the proper equipment and clothing to compete and that everything fits appropriately for you and your horse! At Personalized Products, we have the custom horse attire and accessories for your next show. From horse & pony saddle pads to horse fly bonnets and various sheets and blankets, we have everything you need to feel prepared and ready to compete.
Contact us today or browse our online shop to discover some high-quality horse products!